As long as we did everything right, we can now continue to use the 3DS. This should be everything we have to do on our Computer. You have been warned twice! Once about the New3DS’ in general and once about the japanese New3DS’! Remaining steps to follow on your Nintendo 3DS: Once again, this ONLY applies to a Japanese New3DS/LL! If you do not delete this file, you will end up with a bricked device. JAPAN N3DS ONLY: Delete the 000400102002CA00.cia file from your updates folder. If you happen to use a japanese New3DS or japanese New3DSLL you will have to delete a specific CIA file from your updates folder. In the end we should end up with the following files & paths:Į:/boot.3dsx (this is a file, not a folder) E:/Themes/ (this folder is empty) E:/3ds/menuhax_manager/ (this folder contains a few files) E:/3ds/sysUpdater/ (this folder contains a few files) E:/3ds/ (this folder contains all the folders from the 3ds folder that was inside the starter.zip) E:/updates/”Numbers&Letters”.cia (over 100 CIA files!) Additional Note for Japanese New3DS/LL Users:
Next open the Firmware ZIP and drag & drop all the CIA files into your newly created updates folder. E:/3ds/).įull Firmware Package.zip: Create a new “updates” folder on the root of your SD Card (E:/updates/). Copy the sysUpdater folder into your 3ds folder (e.g. SysUpdater.zip: Inside of this ZIP we have a sysUpdater folder. Menuhax_v2.1.zip: Same place as the Starter.zip, the root of your SD Card. Starter.zip: Just copy it to the Root of your SD Card (e.g. We have 4 ZIP files that we have to copy to our SD card, let’s start with the first one. It does not matter how you connect it, it just matters that you’re able to write to your 3DS’ SD card. We gathered all the necessary files and now we have to copy them onto our 3DS SD card.Īt first you have to connect your 3DS’ SD card to your computer either via a card reader or via a USB SD card connector.
(Due to copyright reasons we cannot link to the download page – Watch the video & then google it) – because those are the necessary firmware files we are going to install. 9.2.0-20X(Full).zip) – Use the Firmware files that fit your devices Region: E files for EU, U files for US, J files for JP, etc.

We will also need the Full Updater Files (e.g. We also need the HomeMenuHax files, to set up the HomeMenuHax, which will be our entry point to start the downgrader Homebrew. We need the new & improved SysUpdater.zip from TuxSH’s Github GBATemp, since this tool is pretty much the downgrader. We need the starter package files, because they are necessary for BrowserHax to properly work. We are going to use the free ones (yes, both of them). The Userland exploit can either be an exploit game, or one of the free exploits, such as BrowserHax & MenuHax. In general we need at least 1 entry point (userland exploit) to launch Homebrews with, and a few files that have to be copied onto your SD card. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE YOU WILL BRICK YOUR DEVICE! – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Necessary steps to follow on your Computer: Necessary Files for the Downgrade: You can either simply watch this thorough video tutorial or just continue with the text tutorial below.